Being Human Club Library

The BHC library is an intentionally curated collection of books available for any current clients to borrow. We have books ranging from mental health to anti-racism and social justice to LGBTQ2S+ literature. We hope to amplify the stories and voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour through the books we carry at our library.

The books available have been purchased from local book stores, local second-hand shops, or online second-hand shops. If you have any suggestions for books to be added to the library, please let us know! 


  • We invite book borrowers to stick to taking out one book at a time. To borrow a book from the library:

    1. Please find the library card on the front or back cover of the book

    2. Add your initials and the name of your therapist to the name column

    3. Stamp the library card with the date you are borrowing the book

    4. Provide the library card to your therapist

  • We request that book borrowers return each book within 4 weeks of borrowing. To return a book to the library, please hand the book to your therapist directly.

  • Our hope at BHC is to make mental health information and resources more accessible and sharing books is one of the ways we love to spread knowledge to others. If you would like to donate a book, please reach out to our team!